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Choosing a Self-built Blog Framework

Blog frameworks are generally divided into two types, one is dynamic frameworks, which have a backend and can be edited and modified online, including changing themes and installing plugins. They also have many interactive features and plugins, such as virtual assistants and music players. The downside is that they require a server with a certain level of capability, and if the server is poor, it can be very slow. Additionally, the speed of others accessing the blog can be affected by internet speed, and there is usually rendering time, which can make visitors impatient. The other type is static frameworks, which allow for very fast website access and can be built locally and then uploaded to a server. The downside is that almost every modification requires re-rendering (running commands).

Dynamic Frameworks#

Using a dynamic framework to build a blog website can provide powerful functionality and excellent user experience, but it may also bring higher maintenance costs and complexity. When deciding whether to use a dynamic framework, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons based on specific needs and resources.


WordPress is a powerful and widely used blogging platform. It provides a large number of themes and plugins, making it easy to create and manage a blog. WordPress has a user-friendly interface and strong community support, making it suitable for users without programming knowledge.

WordPress is a blog platform developed using PHP language. Users can use PHP and MySQL database servers to build their own websites. In the early days, WordPress was quite heavy and resource-intensive, which made many users hesitate when choosing WordPress. However, with continuous optimization in recent years, more and more users have started to favor WordPress.


  1. Open source and free.
  2. Many free templates available, and paid templates are not expensive.
  3. High flexibility in the backend, with many free and paid plugins available.
  4. Many web hosting providers offer one-click installation, no programming knowledge required.
  5. Rich resources, with many website discussions, tutorials, and marketplaces available worldwide.
  6. Good SEO optimization.
  7. Responsive design, with responsive themes that can display well on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.


  1. While foreign templates are attractive, there are often many examples where small issues cannot be resolved.
  2. WordPress is highly flexible, but to build a complete website, many plugins are required, which can result in poor website performance.
  3. With the abundance of WordPress resources, there are many discussions with incomplete or incorrect information, which can be confusing.

I have used WordPress before, it is very powerful and can be used for almost any type of website. However, it can be slow when using too many plugins, and most of the features are not needed for a blog. I recommend trying WordPress for the first time, other options are not as significant.


Typecho is a Chinese-made blog system developed to address the shortcomings of WordPress. It simplifies some complex functions and supports multiple databases. It is a lightweight open-source blog program with a robust kernel, convenient extension, user-friendly experience, and smooth operation.

This program is now mature. It was developed specifically for WordPress, with simple and lightweight features and strong practical experience. It is completely sufficient for basic blogs.


  1. The official version of Typecho has not been updated since 2017. If it is not updated in the future, it may not keep up with the development of new technologies.
  2. Like WordPress, adjusting the formatting is not as convenient and feature-rich as using word processing software like Word.
  3. The default features of Typecho are relatively limited and may not meet all usage requirements.

It is very easy to use, and there are many beautiful themes available. However, the lack of updates (or very slow updates) made me choose to give up.


Ghost was conceived in December 2012 by John O'Nolan, the former UI lead for WordPress, who was disappointed with WordPress being used for blogging rather than as a content management system. On April 29, 2013, O'Nolan launched a 29-day Kickstarter campaign with a goal of £25,000, which was completed within 11 hours and raised a total of £196,362 by the end of the campaign. The backers included individuals as well as well-known personalities and companies such as Seth Godin, Leo Babauta, Darren Rowse, Tucker Max, WooThemes, Envato, and Microsoft. The first public version, Kerouac, was released on September 9, 2013, and version 0.3.3 was released on October 14, 2013, under the MIT license on GitHub, and has been continuously updated since then.

Ghost is a blogging platform based on Node.js and the Google V8 engine. It is free and open-source under the MIT license. Ghost also provides a hosted platform for users to pay monthly fees as an alternative to configuring servers and manually installing frameworks, including features such as automatic backups, updates, and email support.

I think I have used it before, but I don't remember much about it.


Halo is a blog system made by Chinese developers using Java. It has done well in many aspects, but its advantages and disadvantages are obvious:

Advantages: There are many experts in the Halo community, and the author is also in the community and often answers questions, which is convenient for beginners. The Halo blog is also simple and aesthetically pleasing, with centered article content that is in line with Chinese aesthetics.

  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Timely forum replies and many problem-solving discussions
  • Continuous updates with fast update speed

Disadvantages: As a new blog system, there are not many themes and plugins available, which has a significant impact on me.


  1. Clean user interface: Halo provides a clean and intuitive user interface that allows users to easily write articles, manage content, and customize website settings.
  2. Based on Java: Halo is written in Java, so it can run in any environment that supports Java, including various servers and cloud platforms.
  3. Open source and free: Halo is an open-source project, and the source code is freely available on GitHub for anyone to use and modify.
  4. Markdown editor: Halo has a built-in Markdown editor that supports Markdown syntax for writing articles, making content creation more convenient and efficient.
  5. Theme system: Halo has a theme system that allows users to customize the appearance of their blog by choosing or designing themes according to their preferences.
  6. Plugin extension: Although Halo itself is relatively lightweight, it supports plugins, which means users can extend the functionality of their blog through plugins.
  7. Data backup: Halo provides data backup functionality, allowing users to export or backup their blog data in case of any issues.
  8. Multi-platform support: Halo can be deployed on various platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Static Websites#

Static website frameworks are used to generate static HTML files that can be served directly to visitors by the server without generating page content in real-time. The construction of static websites usually relies on static site generators (such as Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, etc.), which convert source files (usually Markdown documents) into static HTML pages.


Hugo is a fast and modern static site generator widely used for building websites and blogs. It is written in Go, which makes Hugo perform exceptionally well in terms of speed, able to generate pages for large websites in milliseconds. Hugo is designed to be simple and easy to use while providing powerful features.

Here are some details about Hugo:


  1. Fast: One notable feature of Hugo is its speed in building websites, allowing it to handle a large number of content files quickly.
  2. Cross-platform: Hugo supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  3. No dependencies: Hugo is a single binary file, making the installation process simple without requiring additional dependencies.
  4. Flexible content management: Hugo supports content files in Markdown format and allows flexible metadata definition through front matter.
  5. Rich themes: Hugo has a large theme library, allowing users to choose and customize themes according to their needs.
  6. Custom output formats: In addition to HTML, Hugo supports custom output formats such as JSON or XML, which is useful for creating APIs or content aggregation.
  7. Built-in server: Hugo comes with a built-in local server for real-time preview of website changes.
  8. Multi-language support: Hugo supports building multilingual websites, making it easy to create internationalized content.
  9. Content organization: Supports various content organization methods such as categories, tags, and menus.
  10. Extensibility: Hugo's template system and shortcodes can be used to extend the functionality of websites.


  • Simplicity: VuePress focuses on Markdown-based project structure and minimal configuration to help you focus on writing.
  • Vue-driven: Enjoy the development experience of Vue + webpack. You can use Vue components in Markdown and develop custom themes with Vue.
  • High performance: VuePress pre-renders each page into static HTML, and when each page is loaded, it runs as a single-page application (SPA).

VuePress has many advantages:

  • Clean and elegant interface (personally, I find it more visually appealing than HEXO).
  • Easy to get started (can set up the entire project in half an hour).
  • Better compatibility and extended Markdown syntax.
  • Responsive layout for both desktop and mobile.
  • Google Analytics integration.
  • Support for PWA.
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